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Flower Breathing Video for Kids

Teach Starter Publishing
5 mins | Years: F - 6

Teach students to cope with stress with a flower breathing video created to use with kids in the classroom.

Help Kids Destress With Flower Breathing

Are you looking for helpful ways to build your students’ coping skills and help them fight stress? We know being a kid can be tough sometimes! That’s why our teacher team created this flower-breathing video just for kids and your classroom.

Using an animation of a lotus flower bloom opening and closing, the 5-minute video includes a gentle voice that will walk your students through a guided breathing exercise as they learn to breathe in and out deeply over a short period of time. The goal is to connect with your breathing to help the body relax, redirecting kids’ minds away from the thing (or things) bothering them so they can refocus on their school work.

Play the video as part of your social emotional lessons on stress management, or add this 5-minute breathing exercise to your daily morning routines to help students get ready to learn!

An orange bubble with text that reads Teach Starter Teacher Tip Flower breathing is a perfect brain break as it allows your students to refocus their minds and get ready for another round of learning!

What Is Flower Breathing?

Maybe you’ve just heard about flower breathing and you want to learn a little more before you share with your class? Flower breathing is a simple breathing technique that can help our students manage their stress and anxiety.

The technique encourages kids to imagine a flower opening and closing, like the lotus flower in this breathing video. The goal is to slow down your breathing to match it to the opening and closing of the flower petals.

Other variations of flower breathing encourage kids to imagine they’re smelling a beautiful flower as they breathe in, then blow out as if they’re gently blowing on a dandelion.

Both options provide a way to practise slow, deep breaths to make them feel calmer and more relaxed.

Promote Mindfulness This School Year

Are you looking for more ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine? Try these ideas from our teacher team!

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Teach Starter Publishing

Teach Starter Publishing

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